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Cutting Toddy in Kiribati

Cutting Toddy in Kiribati - Tebuai Uaai,  Buatia Kauea

APA Citation: 

Uaai, T., Kauea, B., & Uaai, T. (1987). Cutting toddy in Kiribati. Suva, Fiji: Institute of Education, University of the South Pacific.


Toddy is the traditional drink of the Micronesian Islands of the Pacific, including Kiribati. The cutting of toddy as such becomes a ritual, with much preparation and fanfare going into it. Uaai takes us through the ritual of cutting toddy.
Author Information: 
Tebuai Uaai is a native Fijian, who shares the ritual of cutting toddy in a low reader text for many audiences. 
Awards: N/A
Target Audience: Middle Grades/ Young adult
Genre: Nonfiction/ Informational
Interest: Fiji, Micronesian culture, traditions, food, and rituals