APA Citation:
Spitz, C. T., & Anderson, J. (2007). Island of shattered dreams. Wellington, N.Z.: Huia.
Island of Shattered Dreams is the first ever novel by an indigenous Tahitian writer. In a lyrical and immensely moving style, this book combines a family saga and a doomed love story, set against the background of French Polynesia.
Author Information:
Chantal Spitz is the best-known of Tahiti's indigenous writers and the author of two novels and a collection of essays. She is a founding member of the literary review Litterama'ohi, of which she is currently editor. Jean Anderson is Programme Director for French at Victoria University of Wellington. She has co-translated into French works by several New Zealand writers including Patricia Grace and Janet Frame.
Awards: N/A
Target Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Fiction/ Historical Fiction
Interest: Tahitian history, culture, family ties, coming of age,